New rules since January 1st: Your Ebay data is now going to the tax office – what you need to know

The online business with used furniture, clothing, books and cars is booming. The tax authorities are now taking a closer look at the lucrative business. FOCUS online says what is changing with private purchases.

Especially during the Corona period, private individuals use well-known platforms such as Ebay, Vinted and Etsy to clear out their attics and basement compartments. Because the German retail trade was open to consumers to a limited extent at the same time, the online second-hand business boomed.

Many private individuals made a lot of money by reselling the old objects. From January 1, 2023, platforms must also pass on sales to the tax office under certain conditions.

The background is the platform tax transparency law (PStTG) of the federal government. It was passed by the Bundestag and Bundesrat in November. According to the law, there are “a large number of individuals and companies” who use sales platforms such as Ebay, Vinted, Etsy, Amazon Marketplace or Ebay classifieds to generate income. In turn, this income is not reported to the tax office.

The new law aims to create transparency.

However, the private individuals concerned only have to fear an additional payment in extreme cases. Rather, the tax authority may take a close look at the tax return and ask questions.

no Only from 30 sales or a turnover of 2000 euros per year does the online platform have to pass on the seller’s data to the tax authorities. Anyone who clears out for spring cleaning and posts a few items on Ebay or Ebay classifieds does not have to fear any further consequences overall. The same applies to private individuals who sell the household of a loved one in the event of death.

However, in both cases the upper limit of 2000 euros is observed.

Yes. This regulation also applies to services that private individuals offer online. For example, when they rent apartments or rooms. The online platforms have to report the data of the private provider to the tax office after a certain turnover or after 30 transactions.

The full name, residential address, tax identification number, bank details, total amount and the relevant transaction number are forwarded to the tax authorities.