After the chaos election: Even before the election is repeated, there are a number of new glitches in Berlin

On the election day of September 26, 2021, there were so many breakdowns in Berlin that the election had to be repeated. But the chaos in the capital seems to continue. Even before the new election on February 12, there are a number of plans

The new election date is on February 12th. There were a few glitches beforehand. As reported by the German Press Agency and “Bild”, among others, these three mistakes have already been made.

Berlin’s state returning officer, Stephan Bröchler, welcomed the possibility of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) monitoring the repeat election on February 12. “I see it very positively,” said Bröchler on Friday on RBB Inforadio. In this way, you can show not only the Berliners, but also everyone else, “that Berlin can vote.” It’s a great opportunity. “And it also sets us up again under pressure to work particularly well.” That’s why he wants that.

OSCE officials were in Berlin earlier this week to assess the need for election observation. Your report on this should be available in the middle of next week. Berlin had invited the OSCE to observe the elections. Bröchler wants to win back trust in democracy. The Berlin Constitutional Court has ruled that the September 2021 elections for the House of Representatives and the district assemblies must be repeated due to numerous mishaps.

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After the escalation on Saturday, the police reported a success on Sunday: the protest village in Lützerath was completely cleared. Meanwhile, the activists are complaining of serious injuries – the police, however, denied this. The situation in Lützerath in the Newsticker.