According to media reports: Germany rarely manages to take back refugees from other EU countries

According to a report, the Federal Republic made a record number of take-back requests in 2022. Hardly any European country took the refugees back.

Germany often fails when refugees are taken back by EU countries in which they have already applied for asylum. As the Bild newspaper (Monday edition) reports, citing figures from the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF), the authority made 68,709 readmission requests to other countries last year. Only 4158 people were withdrawn.

The so-called Dublin rules are currently the basis for European asylum legislation. According to them, the state in which a refugee first sets foot on European soil is normally responsible for asylum applications. If the refugee travels further after arriving in the EU and applies for asylum again in another country, they can be sent back to the country of first reception.

According to the report in the “Bild” newspaper, the number of German requests for readmission last year reached a new record since the updated Dublin rules came into force in 2014: it was 62.5 percent higher than in 2021 (42,284). According to the report, the take-back rate was 6.05 percent, the lowest it had ever been.

According to the “Bild”, Germany has submitted a total of 444,849 applications for readmission to other countries since 2014. However, only 46,838 people were actually taken back.

The figures from Greece and Italy are particularly striking. In 2021, for example, Germany made 10,427 readmission requests to Greece, but only one refugee was actually returned. Italy was supposed to take back 6,623 refugees, but only 287 actually returned.