Planned care modules: Mobile protection facilities for a total of 50,000 people

In 2023, the federal government wants to involve people in Germany as “active partners in civil protection”.

The federal government wants to involve the population more than before in civil protection and disaster control. This is the result of the Federal Ministry of the Interior’s response to a small inquiry from the CDU/CSU parliamentary group in the Bundestag, which was submitted to the editorial network Germany (RND). The Federal Ministry of the Interior will, together with the federal states, “organize a nationwide civil protection day from 2023, in which the population in particular will be addressed as an active partner in civil protection”. It is also planned to “establish a civil defense reserve for the care of those affected who are not injured, which will comprise a total of ten mobile care modules. Each of these modules provides up to 5,000 people with food, medical attention, shelter and supplies.”

The deputy chairman of the Union faction, Andrea Lindholz (CSU), told the RND: “The federal government must finally speed up civil protection and civil defense.” Among other things, a “pact for civil protection” of ten billion euros is needed for the next ten years.