Comment by Ulrich Reitz: Let’s be honest: what if there is nothing left to integrate?

Beyond cheap statements of outrage: What are the lessons from the Berlin riot on New Year’s Eve? One would also like to know whether a new anti-state caste is emerging: migrant autonomists for whom the German state is just a willing victim.

It’s one of those helpless surrogate discussions that the political establishment uses to throw dust in the eyes of its horrified citizens. What use is a firecracker ban if a young, male, autonomous sub-proletariat nonchalantly arms itself with stones, poles and fire extinguishers to attack police officers and firefighters?

Franziska Giffey announces “consequences”. Which? An expansion of the no-gun zones in the city, she says. It’s interesting what the Governing Mayor of this ungoverned city doesn’t say: Here’s my plan to restore law and order throughout the city.

CDU country chief Kai Wegner calls for these “crimes” to be consistently investigated and punished. The domestic policy spokesman for the FDP in the Berlin House of Representatives is more correct in his analysis: “For decades, the Berlin Senate has failed to make it clear that the state has a monopoly on the use of force,” says Björn Jotzo. For “decades” should probably mean: The CDU hasn’t done it any better either.

In view of the riots, Jens Spahn speaks of “unregulated migration” and “failed integration”. But the faction leader of the Union in the Bundestag does not ask the really painful question: what if there is nothing left to integrate?

Because, as his North Rhine-Westphalian CDU party friend from the European Parliament, Dennis Radtke, analyses, “in some quarters across Germany we are dealing with a mix of failed integration, poverty, unemployment, frustration and rejection of the system. CDU social politician Radtke calls the mixture “highly explosive”.

The chaos not only rioted in Berlin. But also in Paris, just again, on Boxing Day. From there, the scenario has been known for a long time – the class of those who have been left behind from the ugly suburbs, the banlieues, in which the French no longer want to live, give vent to their blind anger at the state with a bang – then the cars and state folders of the police and fire brigade are set on fire lured into traps with burning garbage cans, where they are then really attacked.

As on Hermannstraße, where 25 hooded violent criminals attacked a fire engine of the “voluntary fire brigade” – antisocial against volunteers, so was the asymmetrical order of battle on New Year’s Eve on the Neukölln Magistrale. Migrants say, laughing into rolling cameras, that they came from a war, and what they experienced here cannot be compared.

In order to protect foreigners and immigrant nationals, one has to say: This mob, which is often a migrant, is a minority, a very small one in fact, some are the children of their long-established parents who have been lost to this society. This has its own tragedy. Anyone who is in a migrant milieu, whether in Berlin, Hamburg or the Ruhr area, knows that anyone who wants to collect votes for a tougher state that finally takes action, locks up the mob or deports them immediately, only has to hold their microphone in here once.

“They’re destroying everything we’ve built here” – this sentence is often heard, whether at “Späti” in the narrow streets of Neukölln or at the bus station in Mülheim, in places where Germans have long been in the minority. And young men from Africa and the Middle East dominate the scene. Only North Rhine-Westphalia’s Minister of the Interior, Herbert Reul, openly says that most of the perpetrators come from the migrant milieu.

One will probably wait in vain for the “relentless political clarification of what happened, also with regard to the origin of the perpetrators” demanded by the German police union. What should one expect from “enlightenment” when the Berlin police command instructs their officers to only speak of “West Asians” and no longer of “Southerners”. Because otherwise they could be suspected of racism by the Red-Red-Green Senate.

As far as “West Asia” is concerned, we now know where it is: East of the district of Tempelhof/Schoeneberg and west of Treptow/Köpenick. Will the new name for Neukölln prevail? And what do the West Asians actually say, according to the United Nations: Middle Eastern Asians, when they are discriminated against in Berlin in this way?

End of irony, but: For a deeper understanding of the events, a few lines from the report that the autonomous poet Sebastian Lotzer wrote on the left-wing blog platform “” about New Year’s Eve in Berlin:

“Anyone who wanted to know knew what was going to happen. Anyone walking the streets of this city, moving outside their comfort zone, conversing with proletarian youth, knew that the night of reckoning had come. Almost three years of pandemic state of emergency, harassment, repression and cops everywhere, now society’s next solidarity effort, everyone has to make sacrifices for the just war. Where there is not enough money at the end of the month anyway, it is not even enough for half the month. The everyday racism of the cops, the poverty you can only escape from if you earn your money in a creative way that goes beyond the bourgeois rules of the game. You are the scum of society, uneducated sounds different than antisocial milieu, but means the same thing.

The political left is boomingly silent about what really happened in Berlin and elsewhere. Social Democrats, Leftists and Greens have their victim cult narrative ready, they repeat it incessantly: they talk about discrimination FROM migrants. Not a word is heard from them about discrimination BY migrants.

A responsible federal government would talk differently. Not from “Germany, a country of immigration”, the episodes of which one could study at the turn of the year. But about the limits of migration. About undesired immigration, about uncontrolled migration, about fighting migrant crime and about how you can still deal with an asocial sub-proletariat.

The German state is just weak for these people. A potential victim. In Berlin they are experiencing it again – all 100 people arrested have been released for the time being. This would not have happened in a well-fortified state.

For the time being nothing more is heard from the Reich citizens. However, we will hear from the other haters of the state again. In Berlin by the night of May 1st at the latest.