Product Recalls: The most important current recalls of the last few days

Product recalls are a relevant topic for many consumers. Especially when there is a risk of health damage or injury when eating, customers of Aldi, Lidl, Rewe and Co. should keep an eye on the current warnings. In this article we summarize the most important food warnings of the past few days for you.

The manufacturer Pront’a Tavola is currently warning against consuming a batch of the “Basic Instinct Classic Tomato Sauce”. Because it cannot be ruled out that the products contain broken glass, consumption is strongly discouraged. You’ll find more about it here:

As so-called “bombage”, i.e. explosions, can occur in the products due to secondary fermentation, the Rieger winery has recalled two of its non-alcoholic wines. Broken glass when opening the bottles can injure you and bystanders.The details:

Because an actually non-approved pesticide was detected in the products, the manufacturer Tinh Son Handel GmbH informed about the recall of its “dried star anise”. You’ll find more about it here:

Even those who are currently struggling with a cold must consider a recall. Manufacturer Kwizda Pharma is currently providing information about a food warning for a “bronchostop” cold juice. Splinters of glass can also lead to serious injuries here. The details:

Net customers who still have a few Santa Clauses left over from the holidays must also be careful. In a batch of products from the manufacturer “Hans Riegelein

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