Security expert Wolfgang Ischinger: “Putin will try not to lose face completely”

What does it take to end the war in Ukraine as soon as possible? According to security expert Wolfang Ischinger, one thing above all: More support from the West. He shows what this can look like and under what circumstances peace with Vladimir Putin is even possible.

Hardly any German is as familiar with the international political processes of the past decades as security expert Wolfgang Ischinger. The former diplomat and ambassador led the Munich Security Conference for 14 years. He shared his thoughts on the war in Ukraine with the news portal T-Online.

According to the expert, there will probably not be an end to the war any time soon. “There would have to be an Easter or Pentecost miracle,” he says. For him, however, it is clear that peace is also possible with Putin: “Who else should Ukraine negotiate with?”

Ischinger is also convinced that peace negotiations with Putin are only possible if he admits “that every continuation of the military operation will require more victims, but will not bring in any more square kilometers of Ukrainian territory.” But he is still a long way from this point not arrived.

For Ischinger, however, it seems clear that Putin has already lost the war: “According to Putin’s original plan, the war was to end after a few weeks with the complete submission of Ukraine last spring, including a victory parade on Red Square in Moscow on May 9.” But the Russian President will not admit that.

Instead, according to Ischinger, he will try not to “completely lose face.” In other words, he will announce that the war aims have been achieved. However, it remains to be seen whether the people of Russia will believe him in view of the hundreds of thousands of soldiers who died.

According to the security expert, a quick end to the war is primarily in the hands of the West. This must equip the Ukraine with war equipment – in such a way that the Ukraine can reconquer further areas. This requires more anti-aircraft defense and more tanks. Ischinger also criticizes the federal government: There is still not much to be seen of the “leadership that this […] claims for itself”. Ischinger warns: “Western hesitation has the effect of prolonging the war.”

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