No black and green in Bavaria: CSU General Secretary Huber: Lindner will become “the last generation of the FDP”

The CSU general secretary Huber made it clear in an interview that there will be no black-green coalition after the state elections in Bavaria. He also criticized the work of the FDP. You make yourself superfluous in this government.

Ten months before the state elections in Bavaria, the CSU clearly commits itself. Your general secretary Martin Huber is “definitely” ruling out a black-green coalition after the October elections. Huber said in an interview with the Bayern media group: “We definitely rule out black and green. The Greens are an absolutely ideology-driven party. The bourgeois facade is crumbling massively. The Green state chairman has said he refuses to represent Bavarian interests. That’s absurd.” Huber said you couldn’t work with a party like that. “Therefore again: there will be no black and green.”

The CSU general secretary also criticized the FDP. When asked whether the Union would have mastered the crises of 2022 better, Huber said: “In any case, we would have done better. We as a Union would not have accepted the de-industrialization of our country with our eyes wide open. The Union masters challenges pragmatically, the traffic light is rooted in ideologies.” The FDP is making itself superfluous in this government, said Huber. He expects the demise of the Liberals. “While the last generation sticks to the streets, Christian Lindner sticks to power and thus becomes the last generation of the FDP.” Again Huber called for the resignation of Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht (SPD): “Christine Lambrecht is hopelessly overwhelmed in her office . The Bundeswehr deserves better leadership.”