Top economist Marcel Fratzscher: Five risks threaten our economy in 2023

War, crisis and inflation made things difficult for the German economy this year. The economist Marcel Fratzscher is positive about the coming year, but five risk factors could cause the economy in Germany and Europe to collapse.

With the “double boom”, the traffic light coalition tried to relieve German consumers and companies this year. A huge aid package worth 200 billion euros has been put together so that things don’t go downhill in Germany. And next year? In a guest article in the “Welt”, top economist Marcel Fratzscher warns of five risks that could plunge Germany and Europe into recession in 2023.

Fratscher emphasizes: “Even if these risks do not occur or only occur to a small extent, people and companies pay very different prices for this crisis.” Nevertheless, 2023 could be a “robust year” for Germany economically if consumers, companies and politicians the risks react – because these are “not to be underestimated”.