Aldi, Lidl, Penny start selling: Finally buying fireworks again – where you will find the best offers starting tomorrow

After a two-year Corona break, supermarkets, discounters, hardware stores and specialist stores are starting to sell fireworks. FOCUS online knows the most important offers and tells you what to look out for this year.

It can be fired again! Because crowds of people should be avoided due to corona, the federal and state governments had imposed a ban on firecrackers in city centers for the first time in 2020. This measure also applied in 2021.

Retailers in Germany had temporarily suspended the sale of fireworks products. This year firecrackers and rockets are celebrating their comeback. However, not everywhere.

Chances are you’ll find fireworks in almost every supermarket and discounter market from December 29th.

The following dealers have already confirmed the fireworks sale:

At Hagebau and Obi, the branches themselves decide whether to sell fireworks or not.

Bauhaus and Hornbach are again not selling any fireworks this year.

Consumers can find firecrackers and sparklers across the board in almost all markets. These include, for example, at Kik, Tedi or in the EuroShop stores.

The Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM) encourages consumers to only buy fireworks in Germany. In addition, you should only purchase tested rockets.

It is important to ensure that there is a CE mark with a four-digit number (e.g. 0589 for BAM) on the packaging. Especially New Year’s Eve firecrackers from Eastern Europe represent a high risk potential and should neither be bought nor ignited. More information on testing fireworks can be found here.

Many districts and municipalities have had many positive experiences in recent years due to the ban on firecrackers that has come into force. In 2020 and 2021 there was less rubbish on the night from New Year’s Eve to New Year’s, fewer fire brigade calls and hardly any burn injuries in the emergency rooms.

Because millions of households will take advantage of the comeback of firecrackers this year, counties and municipalities fear increased air pollution in inner cities. Therefore, the first major cities have set up so-called “ban zones”. In these areas it is strictly forbidden to fire firecrackers and rockets in 2022. Many districts and municipalities also pay more attention to noise protection.


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That is completely different.

Aldi, Lidl, Netto Marken-Discount, Rewe, Penny and the low-cost providers Action, Woolworth and Thomas Philipps have the best offers.

It’s even cheaper to sell directly from the manufacturer’s warehouse. For example, there are currently 20 rockets for 10 euros.

This year’s fireworks sales in German retail come largely from the manufacturers Comet, F1, Nico and Weco.

In 2022, only Weco products will be found at Aldi Süd, Lidl, Penny, Norma and Rewe. When it comes to prices, consumers should pay attention to the fine print. The set of 20 “World Champions” rockets costs 19.99 euros at Lidl. Penny sells the “Sky Titan” set with 20 rockets for the same price and Norma sells the “Cabaret” product with ten rockets for 12.99 euros. Aldi Süd, in turn, offers the 18-rocket set “Lancelot” for 14.99 euros.

The system fireworks “Final Showdown” with 206 kills and a burning time of about 100 seconds costs 29.99 euros at Aldi Süd. At Lidl there is the firework battery “Perfect Illusion” with 208 kills and a burn time of about 90 seconds for 27.99 euros and Penny the triple battery “City of Heroes” with 206 kills and a burn time of 100 seconds for 34, 99 euros.

The prices at other retailers are also at a similar level.

FOCUS online advises: When buying, consumers should pay attention to the number and duration. The larger the range, the greater the opportunity to save on firecrackers.

There are crackers for about 2 euros, table fireworks from 2.99 euros, sparklers from 1.89 euros. Flares and fireworks are more expensive. The most expensive firework battery with hundreds of launches and a burn time of a good two minutes costs 100 euros in the best case.