Military expert Gressel on aid to Ukraine: “We have to do with shitheads in Europe’s leadership”

Political scientist Gustav Gressel, who specializes in security policy and military strategy issues with a focus on Eastern Europe and Russia, expects another massive offensive by the Russian army in the spring.

Even a renewed storming of Kyiv cannot be ruled out, although a Russian success in capturing the Ukrainian capital is almost impossible. “But did the political leadership get that and did Putin get it? Or does he order his army to attack targets that are beyond their practical range and capabilities,” Gressel told Stern. Army leadership and politicians do not necessarily have to agree. “The alternative to military support for Ukraine is having to wage war yourself in ten years against a Russia that is invading us,” said Gressel.

Accordingly, the military expert expects further tough and bloody battles that would strengthen rather than weaken the determination of the Ukrainians. Ultimately, a victory for Ukraine is not only desirable, but also possible – provided the West decides to support Ukraine with more Western weapons, above all the German Leopard II tank.

Gressel criticizes the hesitant attitude of the leadership in the EU and in the Chancellor’s office. “The problem is that in Europe we mostly have to deal with shitheads in the political leadership ranks who, because of the nuclear disparity, don’t dare to jump over the slightest hurdle alone,” says Gressel. “The American has to go and take them by the hand and escort them like they do with little kids.”

A lasting peace in Europe can only be achieved through a “victorious peace” in Ukraine and a bitter defeat for Russia. “The alternative to military support for Ukraine is having to wage war yourself in ten years against a Russia that is invading us. Everyone has to decide for themselves what they prefer,” says Gressel.

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