Conflict heated up again: North Korean drone discovered over Seoul – South Korea uses fighter jets

When several North Korean drones were detected in South Korea’s airspace, South Korea responded directly, deploying fighter jets and attack helicopters. During the counterattack, a South Korean attack plane crashed.

The ongoing conflict between North and South Korea was fueled again. A drone from North Korea has violated South Korean airspace and briefly flew over the capital, Seoul. This is reported by the news portal “Sky News”. South Korea reacted promptly and fired at the North Korean drone with fighter jets and helicopter gunships.

South Korea said the helicopter gunships and fighter jets fired warning shots after the airspace was briefly breached. While fighting the drone from North Korea, a South Korean KA-1 light attack aircraft is said to have crashed shortly after leaving Wonju base, a Defense Ministry official said. The two pilots were able to escape before the crash and are now in the hospital. According to South Korean chiefs of staff, several drones from North Korea crossed the border and were spotted in southern territory on Monday.

Only on Friday did North Korea provoke renewed nuclear-capable missile tests. On Friday afternoon (local time), the launch of two short-range ballistic missiles in the region around the North Korean capital Pyongyang was recorded, said the General Staff of the armed forces in South Korea. They flew east towards the open sea – one 250, the other about 350 kilometers away.