Elections 2025: Chancellor candidacy of the Union: Group manager relies on Friedrich Merz

The parliamentary manager of the Union faction Thorsten Frei trusts for the next election in the CDU party leader Friedrich Merz.

In the debate about the Union’s next candidate for chancellor, the parliamentary manager of the Union faction, Thorsten Frei (CDU), clearly commits himself to CDU party leader Friedrich Merz. In an interview with “Schuler! Ask what’s up,” said Frei: “The name of the next Federal Chancellor is Friedrich Merz. For me that is clear.”

Frei did not want to say whether Merz’s possible candidacy for chancellor had already been discussed with CSU leader Markus Söder or CDU internal competitors such as North Rhine-Westphalia’s Prime Minister Hendrik Wüst or the Prime Minister of Schleswig-Holstein, Daniel Günther.