Salary and pension: the government introduces a citizen’s income – civil servants benefit from it twice over

The government introduces citizen income and thus abolishes the Hartz IV system. Civil servants benefit twice from the salary adjustment. They receive higher salaries and higher pensions. And other civil servants will also benefit from the salary increase.

Good news for all officials. The government introduces citizen income and abolishes the Hartz IV system. And that has implications for officials, too. Because with the decision of the Federal Constitutional Court that the salary of civil servants must be 15 percent above the basic security, their salary is now also increasing due to the increased basic security. The “Bild” newspaper reports this first.

This in turn has an impact on civil servant pensions, the “retirement salary”. Because the Civil Servants’ Pensions Act shows that with the salary increase, the pension increases for each year in which civil servants receive a salary. Civil servants would therefore benefit twice from the salary adjustment: they receive a higher salary and higher pensions.

The federal and state governments are already talking to each other on this topic. The state of Berlin explained: “We are in intensive contact with other states and the federal government because of the introduction of the citizen’s income, also with regard to possible effects on the salary of civil servants and the amount of family-related salary components.”

Another judgment of the Federal Constitutional Court from 2017 also says: “A violation of the minimum distance to the social security basic security in the lower and middle salary brackets (…) has an impact on all higher salary brackets and on all salary scales.” Means, from the salary increase can not only those civil servants benefit, but all civil servants.