Points system, work experience, degrees: This is how the cabinet wants to make immigration easier for the job market

The federal government has passed the new rules for entry and recognition of professional qualifications. This is intended to simplify immigration for new workers. These include a new points system.

In order to attract more workers to Germany, the federal government wants to simplify the rules for entry and the recognition of professional qualifications. A corresponding plan was approved by the cabinet on Wednesday.

Among other things, it provides that recognized foreign skilled workers should also be able to work in occupations that have little or nothing to do with their training. For example, a mechanic could be hired as a warehouse clerk or a policewoman as a waitress. Work experience should be given more consideration when issuing a work visa. The qualifications acquired in the country of origin do not necessarily have to be recognized before entry.

The traffic light coalition is entering a completely new field with the idea of ​​using a point system to give non-EU foreigners the opportunity to move to Germany to look for a job. The key points agreed between the ministries state: “The selection criteria can include qualifications, language skills, professional experience, connection to Germany and age.” Discussions between the SPD, FDP and Greens are to be expected on this point in particular – until a bill is available. For example: How many points are there for which language level? And how can the “German connection” be proven?

The background here is the consideration that integration often goes better if you have already made several trips to the country, are employed by a German employer abroad or have relatives already living in Germany. Whether these relatives also have to work themselves is one of the questions that has not yet been clarified.

Easier labor immigration is part of a package of legislative proposals on asylum and migration policy that are to be passed or at least initiated by the end of the year. Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) wants to bring a bill into the cabinet soon that will make naturalization easier. This Friday, the Bundestag is to vote on the so-called right of residence. It is intended to offer prospects to well-integrated foreigners who have been living in Germany for several years without a secure status. Anyone who has lived in the country for five years as of October 31, 2022 and has not committed a crime should be given 18 months to meet the requirements for long-term residence – this includes knowledge of German and securing their own livelihood.