“Last generation”: climate stickers are released from prison and immediately make protest announcements

The very different talk show: Via Twitter, activists of the last generation invite you to their very own forum – from Stadelheim directly to the justification. “It was really bad in prison,” says Lars, an ex-prisoner. And announces further actions with his fellow campaigners.

It sounds like a medical warning to read before taking any medication. “It may be,” says moderator Tobias, “that it moves you emotionally.” In fact, “that” not only moved many people, but made them excited, outraged, angry – one way or another. Tobias moderates a video call, a very special type of talk show, in which three of the “climate glue” explain themselves.

Three people who blocked traffic in Munich and were imprisoned for almost a month in the notorious Stadelheim prison. In the end, they offer the listeners exactly three options to choose from: stick them on the road themselves. support with money. Or help the activists in some other way. “Prison Zoom: What has to happen now?” does not provide for the possibility of shaking one’s head. And that has it’s reason.

Moderator Tobias introduces Lars, who has been free for 48 hours. Lars is 31. Lars wears round glasses with his beard. Lars is actually a psychologist. Actually in training to become a psychotherapist. However, Lars no longer has time for that. He fights for climate protection. At the beginning of November he blocked traffic on Karlsplatz in Munich. He talks about it in the video call.

When the police arrested him, he said: “I will not stop interrupting everyday life.” He also stuck to it in court. “Given the situation we are in,” his conscience does not allow him to stop protesting. And then he adds: “Then we went to Stadelheim.”

“It was really bad in prison,” says Lars. He reports on a five square meter single cell. But also that he could use a television. That other prisoners would have shouted when they were walking in the yard: “These are the climate stickers – hold on!” For Lars there is no question.

Not even for Miriam, one of the other 30-day prisoners. She says that she has just picked up the discharge slip “and our money”. “Now it’s time to relax,” she says. But he immediately adds: “Compared to what awaits us in the climate crisis, a stay in prison is pleasant.”

The worse justifies the means. At least for the activists who report here on this day about their imprisonment and their motivation. Lars needs a lot of words with ” un ” for this. “We will disturb unignorably,” he assures. “The climate is so incredibly much worse than we want to admit,” he says. “It’s unbelievably bad. It’s going to have incredibly horrible repercussions.”

The effects on people on the road, on those who simply have to go to work, and on those who may be on rescue missions to help others: None of this is an issue with this very special form of talk show – unbelievably so, so to speak important.

There are only three options left for the activists. Nothing else happens in their world. “We don’t take our actions lightly as the last generation,” they believe. “We are in a pivotal phase of humanity.” And all three make it clear that they want to move on. Miriam and Joel, also just released from prison, want to do this in Bavaria next week. Miriam: “I’ll be back on the streets in Bavaria on Monday.”

When asked by FOCUS online, the Bavarian Ministry of the Interior said: “Everyone can campaign for climate protection and demonstrate peacefully for their concerns. There is nothing wrong with protesting as long as no crimes are committed or others endangered. It remains to be seen to what extent the announced protests of the ‘last generation’ will move within the legal framework. In any case, detention can only be justified in specific individual cases. A judicial decision must also be obtained immediately for this purpose.”

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