Criticism of traffic lights: Merz denies Habeck economic competence and expertise

Union faction leader Friedrich Merz attacks Minister of Economics Robert Habeck sharper than ever. The Green politician lacks expertise. He is demanding a fresh start in economic policy from the government.

Sharp words from the Union parliamentary group leader against the traffic light: At the general meeting of the Federation of German Industries (BDI) in Berlin, Friederich Merz criticized the government’s economic policy. He was particularly tough on Economics Minister Habeck. Economic policy expertise is finally needed at the management level of the Federal Ministry of Economics, said the CDU chairman, as the “ntv” portal reports online.

If this is not already provided by the minister himself, there must be a state secretary at least at state secretary level who understands something about economic policy, Merz demanded. This is currently clearly not the case – for which Habeck is responsible.

The Federal Republic is facing a dramatic economic situation in 2023. The federal government will only “succeed in leading the country and its companies through the crisis” with a fresh start in terms of personnel.