The Ukraine update in the morning: Russian troops may finally give up occupied nuclear power plants

Russian troops may finally give up occupied nuclear power plant

The Russian army may be preparing to withdraw from the occupied Zaporizhia nuclear power plant. This is reported by “Sky News”, citing the head of the Ukrainian Atomic Energy Agency, Petro Kotin. He said in a TV interview on Sunday: “In the past few weeks we have received information that there are signs that the Russians are planning to withdraw.” One gets the impression that the occupiers are “packing their bags and stealing everything they can,” says Kotin.

And further: “There is also a large number of Russian media reports that suggest that it would be good to leave the nuclear power plant and hand over control to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The IAEA is part of the United Nations (UN).

The Zaporizhia nuclear power plant has been occupied by Putin’s troops since February. Time and time again, Ukraine and its allies, as well as the IAEA, have pushed for a withdrawal to reduce the risk of a nuclear accident.

14 people poisoned in Polish refugee shelter

14 Ukrainian refugees have been hospitalized with symptoms of poisoning from a shelter in the Polish town of Glucholazy. This is reported by the Polish radio station “Radio Opole”. The incident happened on Friday, November 25th. At least one patient was diagnosed with the norovirus. According to a doctor, this was due to food contamination.

Selenskyj calls on Ukrainians to unite

The Ukrainian army is preparing to repel further shelling, Zelenskyy said. “Russia is trying to use the cold against people this winter,” he said, referring to Moscow’s targeted attacks on Ukrainian power and thermal power plants. The head of state called on the Ukrainians to give special support to those in need during the cold season. Now cohesion is required. “Together we will get through anything.”

More than nine months after the start of the Russian war of aggression, particularly fierce fighting is raging in the eastern Ukrainian region of Donetsk. In freezing temperatures, many Ukrainian households are temporarily or even completely without heating, electricity and water.

Ukraine reports progress on power supply to liberated Kherson

From the recently liberated regional capital Kherson in the south, further progress was reported with the power supply, which was almost completely destroyed under Russian occupation. In the meantime, around 17 percent of households have been connected to the electricity grid again, said regional governor Yaroslav Yanuschevych. The deputy chief of the presidential office, Kyrylo Tymoshenko, published a photo taken in the dark on Telegram, which shows individual illuminated house windows.

After several months under Russian occupation, the Ukrainian army recaptured the city of Cherson and other places in the region of the same name in mid-November. Since then, the city, which once had a population of 300,000, has not only been exposed to fierce Russian attacks, but has also been struggling with massive energy supply problems. In view of the difficult situation, the Ukrainian government started driving civilians to other parts of the country to spend the winter a few days ago.

Norway’s defense minister emphasizes the importance of infrastructure

Norway’s Defense Minister Bjørn Arild Gram has stressed the importance of the presence of allies in the waters off his country’s coast. “Our infrastructure is now important for the whole of Europe,” Gram told the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung”. After the end of Russian gas supplies through the Nord Stream 1 pipeline, Norway is the most important gas supplier to Germany and Western Europe.

What will be important on Monday

This year, the “Kyiv Investment Forum” is dedicated, among other things, to the reconstruction plans for the Ukrainian capital – and for security reasons this time it will not be held in Kyiv, but in Brussels. Mayor Vitali Klitschko, among others, is scheduled to appear on Monday.

Also Read: The Ukraine Update of November 27th

Belarusian ruler Lukashenko has ruled out deploying his army in Ukraine. Ukrainian President Zelenskyy announces that Russia will not break its people. Meanwhile, Russia fires deadly missiles at the liberated Cherson. All current voices and developments on the Ukraine war can be found in the ticker.

Russia continues to attack Ukraine with numerous missiles. In the recently liberated city of Kherson, the first people are being evacuated. According to a new British intelligence report, Russia is firing missiles with detached nuclear warheads.

In August 2021, Russia is said to have planned a military conflict with Japan. This is reported by a whistleblower from the Russian Federal Security Service in a secret letter. In view of the Kuril dispute, Russia had an “insane will to war”. But then the country attacked Ukraine.