Bonus and dividend payments by companies that benefit from the gas price brake? Monika Schnitzer does not find this plausible. She calls for the ban on payments for state-supported companies.
The new chairwoman of the “Wirtschaftswise men”, Monika Schnitzer, has spoken out in favor of banning companies from paying out bonuses and dividends if they benefit from the gas price brake. “I understand the resentment about bonus and dividend payments when companies are supported by the state,” said the chairwoman of the Economic Expert Council to the newspapers of the Funke media group (Sunday). “It would not be plausible to allow this while the gas price brake is in effect.”
At the same time, the economics professor warned against false incentives. “Politicians must make it clear that consumers must continue to save energy. The commandment is: turn the heating down, buy warm socks.” She doubts whether this is communicated well enough. “The adoption of the December discount must not lead to people taking it as carte blanche.”
The economist rejected calls for relief for oil and pellets. “With the price brake, gas customers end up where customers with oil or pellet heating systems are anyway,” she said. Special relief is therefore not required.
Jens Spahn, former health minister, bought a luxury villa in Berlin with his husband. According to “Spiegel” research, there are ambiguities about the financing. It’s about an inheritance and money in Austria.
The columnist has received notification from the police that he is under investigation for a comment. Reason for him to think about louder and less louder means in the battle of opinions.
Because of the increased rental costs, many federal states want to grant their civil servants high back payments from tax funds. Depending on where they live, officials with two children could be paid a five-digit amount. It doesn’t matter whether the officials live in rented accommodation or in their own home.
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