Lufthansa boss: Carsten Spohrs talks about the darkest hour in the Corona crisis

In June 2020 it was top to bottom. The German government and the management of Lufthansa had agreed on how the airline should be rescued by the state.

But the management feared that the package put together could fail at the extraordinary general meeting – and thus threaten insolvency.

In an interview with the magazine “Stern”, Lufthansa boss Carsten Spohr called this time the low point. He has confirmed that precautions have already been taken with regard to salaries.

When asked about his darkest moment in the crisis, Spohr said: “That was when we on the Executive Board decided in early summer 2020 for the first time in Lufthansa history to bring forward the payment of salaries a few days so that our employees could at least still receive their June salary get if we should be insolvent at the end of the month.”

This article was written by Timo Nowack

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The original of this article “Carsten Spohrs speaks about the darkest hour in the Corona crisis” comes from aeroTelegraph.