Guest contribution by motivational trainer Dirk Schmidt: How to turn your worries into motivation

Energy crisis, Ukraine war, Covid – Germans’ worries and fears are increasing drastically. Learn how to take advantage of this and turn your worries into motivation and self-determination.

A brief look at world events is enough. Bad economic situation, rising cost of living, natural disasters – yes, we live in turbulent times. Even the corona pandemic is not over yet and is hiding somewhere in the farthest corner of our heads. Many people feel caught up in a great wave of crises and are desperately looking for a carefree island in the stormy sea.

RV Versicherung has been asking German citizens about their worries and fears every year for a good 30 years. The trend is frightening, because more and more Germans are worried about their prosperity. The exploding cost of living takes first place. Around 67 percent of the German population are worried about rising prices. On the following ranks:

There’s no question that we’ve been through a lot in the last few years. The negative experiences and adventures are stored in our brain and trigger fears. When worries exceed a certain level, people feel restricted: mental and physical performance decreases and the quality of life is permanently impaired. No good prospects? Yes, because you have a powerful weapon against all fears and worries – your head.

Where does the fear come from? This question has occupied international scientists for many years. Today we know that fear and the pessimism begin in the head and that’s where they end. If you want. Our mental attitude allows the fears to arise, but also to disappear. Because belief in yourself and in your abilities is more powerful than all fears.

Worrying is a completely natural feeling. What matters is how you deal with it. Because you can also use fears and worries to your advantage. Human psychology is structured in such a way that we want to solve unpleasant tasks and situations as quickly as possible. This motivates us to take certain actions. For example, people who are seriously concerned about poverty in retirement are more likely to actively start saving money. If you postpone a problem, you will see the dire consequences of your inaction. The fear acts as a motivator at this moment and helps you to stop procrastinating.

An Indian proverb says that worry is the abuse of our imagination and imagination. The old adage applies more often than you think. If your partner doesn’t answer the phone, imagine what could have happened. If the boss doesn’t think your work is perfect, already imagine yourself lingering under a bridge, with a blanket, and an empty stomach. What sounds excessive at this moment is the bitter reality for many people who are left alone with their fears. During coaching, personality trainers can address the worries and fears of these people and steer their thoughts in a positive direction.

Did you know that only about eight percent of our worries are legitimate? According to Langenscheidt’s “Handbook for Happiness”, 40 percent of our worries never occur, 30 percent have already happened. This means that you can’t change anything anyway. Twelve percent of all worries are about bad fantasies about our health and ten percent are related to other people’s opinions about us.

This means that 92 percent of your mental worries are completely unfounded. Stop imagining disaster scenarios. Have the courage to drive negative thoughts and doubts out of your head in a self-determined manner. Change direction and invest your energy and strength in the positive things in life. Worth it!