Przewodów struggles to regain composure: Polish workers were driving a tractor when the deadly rocket hit

While Europe continues to speculate about the exact background to the rocket hit in the Polish village of Przewodów near the border with Ukraine, the residents are simply struggling to keep their composure. You lost two friends, family members, neighbors and colleagues in the horrific incident.

A whole place mourns. “If the rocket had landed just 30 seconds later, nobody would have been injured,” said Federico Viola, Vice President at Agrocomdem, the news portal Onet: “Half a minute later and they would still be alive.” Then you would only have had to complain about material damage – irrelevant given the tragedy. Viola assured the relatives of the support from the company that employed the two killed men.

According to the report, one was driving a tractor while the other operated a scale when the missile struck around 3:40 p.m. Tuesday. So it was her last load for the day. The two workers would soon have finished work, reports the news portal Fakt. A witness to the accident was luckier. He had just left the premises. He was maybe 150 meters away. “Everything was shaking, I didn’t really know what was going on. I was in shock, I didn’t know what to do,” reported colleague Onet.

Mateusz Ćwikliński, the head of the farm and, according to his own statements, one of the first to arrive at the scene of the accident, told Wirtualna Polska about the disturbing images. “Next to the weigh bridge there was a twelve square meter building, nothing of which can be seen anymore,” he said. Debris would have spread over a radius of 150 meters. It was like a bad dream. The day after that, the business was closed. “We don’t understand that people are dead. We don’t want another tragedy here.”

The widow of one of the two victims also spoke to Wirtualna Polska. “I have to persevere because I have children to live for,” she said. It is difficult for her to put her feelings into words, but she receives support.

The day after, the bewilderment continued in the village just a few kilometers from the Ukrainian border. “Why did the war have to take him away from us?” friends asked one of the men, who lives in a neighboring town, to Fakt. “Whenever I asked him something, he helped me,” another resident told Onet. She described the relationship as an ordinary neighborhood in the village. Occasionally we saw and talked to each other. “He was a very good man,” she said. But she didn’t want to imagine if the rubble had hit a block of flats or even the neighboring school.

According to Onet, representatives of the municipal administrations also visited the scene of the accident and the bereaved on Wednesday. They could count on receiving psychological and material support, the portal reported. The municipality of Dołhobyczów, to which Przewodów with its approximately 400 inhabitants belongs, announced a four-day mourning. The pastor prayed for the two men at the 5 p.m. Mass.

A local resident who lives a block away from the scene of the accident told Fakt about the moment of the impact. She had just returned from a walk, wanted to open the door and then heard the thunder: “It was so loud that I almost fell.”

Others said windows had shattered and residents now felt unsafe. However, the employees at Agrocom were not afraid of further attacks, said Vice President Viola Onet: “The employees have no concerns. You know it was an accident.”

Two people died in an explosion in the Polish village of Przewodów near the Ukrainian border. A US intelligence official confirms that Russian missiles are responsible for the explosion. However, the Russian Ministry of Defense denies this. The situation in the news ticker.

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