After the Schleswig-Holstein advance: masks are compulsory on buses and trains? New traffic light dispute is looming

The corona isolation obligation has been overturned in four federal states. Schleswig-Holstein now wants to phase out the mask requirement on buses and trains at the end of the year. As a pioneer? In the traffic light parties, there are signs of a dispute.

The push from Schleswig-Holstein for a possible lifting of the mask requirement in buses and trains at the turn of the year has met with both criticism and approval. SPD and Greens representatives in the federal government rejected the plans on Monday – the government partner FDP, on the other hand, welcomed them. Other federal states initially reacted rather skeptically to the proposal from Kiel and advocated a common approach so that there are no different mask rules in Germany.

The federal states can decide for themselves in local transport whether there is a mask requirement there, which has been the case everywhere so far. The federal government is responsible for long-distance trains and long-distance buses. According to the current Infection Protection Act, FFP2 masks are mandatory here until April next year. Schleswig-Holstein announced on Friday that it might not extend the obligation in local transport in the north beyond the end of the year. Now a debate has broken out.

According to a spokeswoman for the Federal Ministry of Health, the federal government has so far not considered lifting the mask requirement on long-distance trains and buses. It is necessary, Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) told the “Welt”. “If we were to suspend the mask requirement now and then, for example, there would be a massive wave, that cannot be communicated.” People should be able to come to work safely.

You can’t compare that with air traffic – where masks are no longer compulsory. Only very few people come to work by plane every day, but millions by bus or train.

The ministry spokeswoman said about the considerations in Schleswig-Holstein: It is now mid-November. “None of us can yet judge what the infection situation will be like at the end of December, what the situation in the hospitals will be like, not even in Schleswig-Holstein.”

A spokesman for the FDP-led Federal Ministry of Transport, on the other hand, said that the federal states should decide on the basis of current developments. In the Ministry’s view, it is also reasonable to rely on voluntariness if there is a relaxation.

The FDP health expert Christine Aschenberg-Dugnus welcomed the easing initiative from the north: In times of declining corona numbers and a high degree of immunization of the population, a mask requirement in local transport is no longer justified. “Should other countries follow suit, I see it as a federal government obligation to introduce a mask recommendation in long-distance transport.” The health policy spokesman for the FDP parliamentary group, Andrew Ullmann, spoke in the “Welt” of a “mask recommendation instead of a mask requirement”.

The idea met with criticism from the Greens. “There are no new, medically evident reasons why there should now be a deviation from the previous statutory separation and isolation requirements or the mask requirement in local transport,” said the health policy spokesman for the Greens in the Bundestag, Janosch Dahmen, the “world”.

Lower Saxony’s Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD) said on Monday in Berlin: “We are glad that we currently have the situation well under control. But especially with a view to the cold season, we do not believe that we should lower the level of protective measures any further from the current low level.”

The Bremen health administration is also skeptical about mask loosening on buses and trains: “It is a low-threshold regulation that has been practiced for a long time and protects well,” said a spokesman for “Radio Bremen”. It is not intended to change anything in the regulation.

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania’s Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig (SPD) called for a uniform approach by the federal states. “Because we know the discussion among the citizens. They don’t understand when it’s like that in one country and like that in another country,” she said in Berlin.