Use the right to special termination: Hidden premium increase: This is how car insurers trick you to keep you from changing

Drivers can cancel their car insurance as usual until November 30th. But even after this period, you may still have the right to special termination. What to look out for now.

November 30th is actually the deadline for terminating car insurance. But customers can also change if the insurer increases the vehicle contribution. If the annual premium for car insurance increases, the special right of termination comes into play. It is valid for four weeks from the day on which the invoice for the coming season is sent.

But beware: Price increases are often well hidden. With a popular trick, insurers often try to sell a premium increase as a premium reduction. You can see whether customers are affected by this based on the premium calculation for their car insurance.

Anyone who drove accident-free in the past year is usually classified in a better no-claims class (SF class) in the following year. This automatically reduces the insurance premium. However, insurers often use this effect to conceal price increases: they do not reduce the premium as much as they should. Nevertheless, the customer is happy about the lower contribution compared to the previous year – and does not realize that he should actually save much more.

“If the insurer does not grant the full discount, this is a price increase and the special right of termination comes into effect,” confirms Verivox Managing Director Wolfgang Schütz. Insured persons can therefore also cancel in many cases, although the total amount decreases.

The insurers are obliged to point out the special right of termination. But to be on the safe side, customers should pay attention to the word “comparative contribution” in the premium invoice: Drivers will find this in their bill – separately for liability and comprehensive insurance. If the new premium is higher than the comparison premium, this is a price increase, even if the premium has actually decreased compared to the current premium.

Calculation example:

The example shows: Although the customer in this example pays a total of 30 euros less for the coming season than in the past season, the insurer has increased the premium. The customer thus has a special right of termination.

By switching, drivers often save several hundred euros a year. According to Verivox, the savings potential between cheap and medium tariffs is 27 percent on average.

Anyone who wants to take advantage of this price advantage should expressly name the price increase in the letter of termination as a reason for termination, advises Felix Riesenberg from the “Aboalarm” termination service. “It should also be noted that the date of receipt by the company always applies to the four-week period – not the date of dispatch.”

This means that in order to effectively pronounce an extraordinary termination, the termination must be received by the provider by the last day of the period at the latest. It is therefore best for drivers to send their extraordinary notice of termination by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt.

Important: Customers should first conclude the contract with the new insurer and only then cancel their old car insurance in writing.

When looking for a new insurer, customers should use several comparison calculators on the Internet. The reason: No single online calculator offers an overview of all policies on the market. These comparison calculators calculate the cheapest offers, taking into account the specified data such as age, no-claims class or vehicle type.

Motorists should make sure that they do not get fewer services in the future. Unless they deliberately want to do without certain services. With the help of the comparison calculator you can compare not only the prices but also the services of the different tariffs.

Anyone who has found a suitable tariff can apply for an insurance contract directly using the comparison calculator – or first request a non-binding offer.

Back to the overview of motor insurance

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