Waste recycling and conscious consumption: an “Ecological Center” has opened for children


An “Ecological center” for children has started working in the capital. The opening ceremony took place on October 21 in the Kidzania Park of Professions.

Now children from four to 16 years old will be able to learn more about conscious consumption, sorting and recycling of waste, as well as learn how to take care of nature. The visit to the “Ecological Center” is free of charge. It is necessary to pre-register using the link, choosing the date and time of the visit.

The “Ecological Center” is divided into three thematic platforms. The first one is dedicated to plastic recycling. Participants will learn to recognize different types of plastic, separate safe plastic from other types and will be able to sort it into containers for further processing. At the end of the training, they will receive a souvenir made of recycled plastic.

At the second site, children will be told about paper recycling. Young ecologists will learn what can be made from recycled paper, as well as how paper and paper waste differ from candy wrappers and juice packs.

The third site is dedicated to the study of soil samples. Participants will try on the ecologists’ uniforms, receive suitcases with tools, independently collect samples and conduct a laboratory study.

The “Ecological Center” was created with the support of the Committee of Public Relations and Youth Policy of the city of Moscow, the strategic bureau “Center of Attention” and the park of professions “Kidzania”.

The strategic bureau “Center of Attention” is engaged in the development of a system of urban charity and socially significant projects.

The Kidzania Park of Professions helps to broaden the horizons of children aged four to 16 years. With the help of realistic games under the supervision of specialists, children can try themselves in various professions. Playing, children not only have fun, but also get valuable experience, vivid impressions and the opportunity to be independent.