New special project dedicated to cybersecurity

On a special project “Internet Security: how to protect yourself and your loved ones” has opened, in which you can learn about the rules of working on the Network. This knowledge will allow you to protect various data, money and personal information.

The special project consists of four thematic blocks. The first one is dedicated to information that interests cybercriminals. Experts will talk about more than 10 types of data that attackers are hunting for, and basic rules of digital hygiene.

An interactive test will help to test your knowledge. If the participant answers incorrectly, he will be advised how to act in a given situation.

On the special project page, you can find a checklist with five main rules of digital security. It contains basic tips for creating passwords, working in the browser or with email, online shopping and using social networks. A separate page with a detailed explanation has been created for each rule. If a user wants to study a topic more deeply – for example, to learn how to leave fewer digital traces in the browser or not get caught by phishing mailings — he will be able to go to the right page and read detailed explanations.

In the final section of the special project, participants will be told about how Moscow protects the data of users of urban information systems: what security measures are being taken in the capital’s data processing center, where the city’s information systems are located and how the data necessary for the provision of public services and services is exchanged.

Official website of the Mayor of Moscow — this is a modern digital platform on which more than 380 electronic services and services are available to users, current news and announcements of events, detailed instructions and an ecosystem of feedback. To have access to all the features of the portal, you will need a full account. You can create it online or in any public services center “My documents”.