Too many pensioners, too few contributors: employer president warns of the collapse of the pension system

Employer President Rainer Dulger got involved in the discussion about our pension system. He warns of a collapse in funding and calls for reform. He makes a specific request.

In an interview with “Bild am Sonntag”, employer president Rainer Dulger calls for the retirement age to be made more dynamic: “The retirement age should be linked to the increase in life expectancy. It must not be the case that the increasing life expectancy leads to ever longer retirements.” It is a matter of thinking long-term: “In the medium and long term, life expectancy will continue to increase significantly,” says Dulger. Dulger does not want to commit to a fixed retirement age. “I think it’s smarter to make the retirement age dynamic.”

Also interesting: pension expert Bern Raffelhüschen explains the dynamic pension

The reason for Dulger is the relationship between pensioners and contributors: “There are currently around 50 pensioners for every 100 contributors, in 15 years there will be 100 contributors for every 70 pensioners. That means: The financing of our pension system is about to collapse!”

Politicians are reacting too hesitantly here, emphasizes Dulger: “Everyone in Berlin knows these numbers, but nobody dares to talk about them. We therefore need forecasts in social policy, just like in climate policy: the federal government should report regularly on the future development of social security contributions. This makes the pressure to act visible to everyone.” The reform of the social security systems is just as challenging as the energy transition, but just as important for generational equity.

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“One thing is clear: the way our social insurance works today will no longer work in the next five years. The costs will explode. “Welfare state eats the future” must not become reality,” demands Dulger.

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