She married at the front: combat name Jeanne d’Arc: Ukrainian sniper is pregnant

Ukrainian soldier Evgeniya Emerald gives birth to baby. The sniper announces this on her Instagram channel. Known as the Joan of Arc of Ukraine, the Ukrainian married her army comrade Evgeniy right at the front.

Known by the battle name Joan of Arc, Evgeniya Emerald fought on the Ukrainian front from the start of the war – until she retired in mid-September. The reason: the Ukrainian sniper is pregnant.

On her Instagram page, she announces the good news: “It so happened that in this war, from the love of two soldiers, a new soul was born. Future defender of Ukraine.” The Ukrainian does not reveal when she and her husband and army colleague Evgeniy Stypaniuk will have the baby.

However, Emerald admits that she did not tell her husband or her commander about the pregnancy for the first two months. She wanted to defend her country, but then decided to leave the front lines for health reasons.

Evgeniya and her husband Evgeniy met and fell in love shortly after the start of the war. They finally got engaged in August and tied the knot in October at the front in southern Ukraine.

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