Comment by Hugo Müller-Vogg: The call for higher taxes does not go well with committed super-rich people

21 multimillionaires want to be asked to pay more by the German state. They have the initiative to do that

Who wouldn’t like it: to be born into a rich family and to inherit a great deal or – for tax reasons – to be given plenty of presents at a young age? But only a few are so lucky.

Of those lucky enough, many seek to increase their fortunes. Others squander it. Still others try to do both at the same time: work hard to get richer and live luxuriously at the same time. Why not?

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A small group of younger wealthy heirs seem to struggle with the fact that, through no fault of their own, they are faring much better off than the hard-working middle class. They want the state to take more money from them than before. They even ask for it.

In Germany, 21 such multimillionaires have joined the initiative

The instruments they propose for this can be found without exception in the programs of left-wing parties: the reintroduction of wealth tax and a significantly higher inheritance and gift tax. Some of these unfortunate rich are also arguing for a higher top tax rate.

Stefanie Bremer, heiress to millions with an estimated fortune of ten million euros, sees social cohesion at risk due to increasing social imbalance, as she recently explained in an interview with FOCUS online. Hence their commitment to higher taxes and more redistribution.

The almost desperate call for an even bigger treasury does not really suit people who consider themselves committed citizens. Rather, they behave like subjects waiting for a “word from above”.

Because nobody in this country has to hope that the state will – finally – reduce their income and assets through higher tax rates or even new taxes. Anyone who wants to can change the biblical saying “whoever has, he will receive” into “whoever has, he can also give” – to an unlimited extent.

In any case, no one prevents people who are less able to enjoy their heritage and wealth from volunteering to help the community. There are countless social, charitable or cultural initiatives that could use more donations.

Especially in these times of crisis, many non-profit organizations complain about insufficient donations. However, Stefanie Bremer does not really like the idea of ​​donating. In the FOCUS online interview, she justified it like this.

“I find that difficult. Because when I donate, the people around me depend on me trying to help them. In other words, the other 99.9 percent are unlucky. Is that democratic? And who am I to determine what people in Germany need?”

Anyone who relies more on the state than on private initiatives would have another way of doing good. The Federal Ministry of Finance set up a donation account back in 2006. If you deposit money there, you can be sure that your money is well invested.

With these payments, only federal debts are paid off. This creates space in the household for investments, for climate protection and last but not least for social issues. That should actually be in the interests of those rich who would like to be a little “poorer” for the sake of the general public.

The rich who are willing to pay don’t seem to have heard anything about this account. In any case, this group has so far not called on other multimillionaires to voluntarily transfer money to the Federal Minister of Finance.

The term “entrepreneur” undoubtedly comes from “company”. However, the entrepreneurial gene seems to be underdeveloped in some of the entrepreneurial offspring in the “tax-up faction”. Apparently they would rather be taxed than direct the use of part of their wealth in the interest of the common good.

Be that as it may: In Germany, anyone who wants to can reduce their assets – for the benefit of the general public. Here is the corresponding service note: Federal special account, no. 86001030, BLZ 86000000.

Finance Minister Christian Lindner does not want to burden the “rich” more because he knows that a large part of the large fortunes are tied up in medium-sized companies, the backbone of the German economy.

But he would probably be happy about donations to his ministry’s special account. After all, a free democrat would prefer active citizens to rich people begging for the leviathan’s access.