The pensions are so high: To get a pension like a civil servant, you would have to work for 78 years

The pensions of civil servants in Germany are on average significantly higher than the pensions. A request from the Ministry of the Interior now shows that citizens would have to work 78 years for similar retirement benefits from the state treasury.

1800 euros – that’s the minimum pension for civil servants in old age (as of 2021). They are entitled to this after five years of service. With a full family allowance, civil servants are even entitled to a monthly pension of 1,897 euros.

Anyone who is not a civil servant gets significantly less and would have to work a very long time for a similar sum. In order to get a pension of the minimum level for a civil servant, a normal worker would have to work 52.6 years. This emerges from the response of the Ministry of the Interior to a request from the Bundestag member René Springer (AfD).

For comparison: the average German pensioner received 778 euros per month last year – more than 1,000 euros less than every civil servant is entitled to.

For the average pensions of civil servants in other employment, even significantly more working years would be necessary. In order to receive a pension entitlement in the amount of the average civil servant pension, an employee with around 41,500 euros gross income per year would have to work for a full 78 years.

With the same annual gross salary, 145.5 years of work would be required to reach the entitlement amount for civil servants in the higher service of 4,973 euros per month.

While Springer speaks of the fact that “normal employees can no longer be given such privileges,” CDU social politician Dennis Radtke warns of a two-class society.

“The fact is: 61 percent of those insured in the statutory pension insurance do not achieve a full pension point,” he told “Bild”. “The issue of poverty in old age is a ticking time bomb that urgently needs to be tackled. It’s about respect for the lifetime achievements of millions of people.”