Proceedings against unknown: Federal prosecutor takes over investigations after train sabotage

After the momentous train sabotage at the weekend, the federal prosecutor’s office took over the investigation. Because of possible anti-constitutional sabotage, the authority in Karlsruhe initiated proceedings against unknown persons on Thursday, said a spokesman.

The “Spiegel” had previously reported about it. According to this, unknown persons are said to have severed fiber optic cables in cable ducts on Saturday night at around 6 a.m. in Berlin and at 2 a.m. in Herne in Westphalia. The result: Failure of the internal railway communication system GSM-R in northern Germany. All long-distance traffic was then stopped. Both Interior Minister Nany Faeser and Transport Minister Volker Wissing spoke of targeted sabotage.

Investigators had secured DNA traces after the alleged attacks on Deutsche Bahn cables on Saturday. However, it is currently still unclear whether these are traces of the perpetrators or railway employees. The reason: Bahn employees had already started to repair the damage immediately after the sabotage incident, before investigators were able to secure any traces there, it is said.