Heating check: points system shows whether your heating is economical – or not

The heating check has been mandatory since October 1st and applies to single-family houses and individual apartments. The check requires 13 steps. The heating system collects points step by step. FOCUS online tells you when your heating is critical.

The approximately 30 million gas households in Germany have until the end of September 2024 to have their systems checked. The costs are between 100 and 180 euros. If spare parts have to be cleaned, serviced or replaced, additional costs are added. On average, households should expect spending from 250 euros upwards.

The heating check can be carried out by craft businesses that specialize in gas heating. These include heating engineers, gas and water fitters, chimney sweeps and energy consulting firms.

Four functions are checked during the so-called “standardized heating check”. This includes heat generation, heat transfer, hot water preparation and the distribution of heat and hot water in the rooms. Losses in exhaust gas, heat and ventilation are also checked.

The aim of the heating check is to check the condition and identify measures. The heating system should be optimized so that it works more efficiently and economically. Households also receive important recommendations for saving energy.

Handicraft businesses from Munich agree that all components of a gas heating system are checked individually during the heating check.

This includes, for example, the heat generation, the system switch, the pump, pipes, the boiler thermostat, the radiators, the lockshields, the line differential pressure controller and the individual valves. At the same time, measuring devices are used to check measured values, any losses and settings.

Overall, the simple inspection takes about an hour.

The craft business goes through around 13 steps during the heating check. The heater collects problem points for each step. If you didn’t insulate the heating pipes in the basement, you get 20 points, for example. If the pipes are well insulated, the craftsman rates this step with 0 points.

The more efficiently the system works, the lower the score.

If the heating system is outdated, defective and you have collected more than 104 points during the inspection, the workshop can suggest replacing it.

Repairs and other measures are usually suggested from a problem level of 25 points. Whether you agree to an immediate exchange, maintenance or other measures, you decide on a case-by-case basis. In principle, you have until September 15, 2024 to carry out the measures. The craft business also suggests how much gas you can save with the measure.

FOCUS online advises: If you replace your outdated heating system or if you need to repair the system, you will usually receive subsidies from the state. The Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA) is responsible.

Get an estimate and then fill out the application. If this is approved by the authority, you can carry out the measure.

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