Those suffering from depression usually receive psychotherapy and so-called antidepressants. A new study now shows an alternative therapy option. The neurotoxin Botox is said to relieve depression and reduce negative emotions.
The number of depressions is increasing. According to the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), the number of people affected worldwide has increased by 18 percent in the past ten years. In Germany alone, around 5.3 million people are ill, and the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that around 322 million people are affected worldwide – this corresponds to more than 4.4 percent of the world population. Research into causes and treatment options is correspondingly relevant.
New findings from a study by the Hanover Medical School (MHH) on the neurotoxin botulinum toxin now give hope for another effective form of therapy for depression. As the researchers write in the report, the neurotoxin, which is usually injected into the forehead during Botox treatments, is said to relieve depression. It is also said to reduce negative emotions in borderline patients.
Botulinum toxin is the strongest known neurotoxin. It is formed by a bacterium and causes what is known as botulism, a symptom of poisoning.
Using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in borderline patients, the physicians were able to find out exactly how the neurotoxin regulates emotions. As they write in their report, botulinum toxin affects the so-called amygdala in the brain – a region in the temporal lobe – which is responsible for the development and processing of fears.
It reduces the “emotional constant fire” and leads to an improvement in the condition – this is also proven by MRI images of borderline patients who were treated with a Botox injection between the eyebrows. They were able to record the first improvements after just four weeks. A comparison group that was treated with acupuncture, however, showed no neuronal effects in the MRT examination.
As the researchers explain, negative moods and emotions are not only expressed internally, but also externally – on the face in the glabellar region. The activation of two types of muscles in anger, tension or sadness automatically creates anger or worry lines above the bridge of the nose.
The glabella is the region between the eyebrows that lies above the bridge of the nose.
If these muscles are paralyzed – for example with a Botox injection in the glabellar region – the frown or worry lines will not appear. In addition, the intensity of emotions is reduced, since facial expressions and psychological well-being are closely linked – the Botox thus interrupts the communication between the forehead muscle and the brain.
“A relaxed forehead conveys a more positive feeling, so to speak,” explains Professor Krüger, senior physician and research group leader at the Clinic for Psychiatry, Social Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at the Hannover Medical School (MHH).
He summarizes the benefits of the treatment as follows:
The feedback between muscles and brain also works in other regions of the body. For example, a database study conducted in late 2021 in collaboration with the University of California San Diego shows that botulinum toxin is also effective against anxiety disorders. For this, it is injected into the muscles of the head, muscles of the upper and lower limbs, and muscles of the neck.
Botulinum toxin is also used in neurology – for example to treat movement disorders such as eyelid spasms, abnormal disorders such as torticollis and excessive sweating. However, treatment for mental illnesses is not yet covered by health insurance.