Sabitova called a common mistake of many girls

The famous Russian TV presenter Rosa Sabitova categorically stated that the young ladies leading a parasitic lifestyle, worthy men will not be called to marry. She wrote about this in the Telegram channel.

“The most common mistake of "liberated" girls of all time is to think that if all guys like them and everyone sleeps with them, then one day one of them — successful, handsome, from a good family — will ask to get married. The truth is that he will never call,” Rosa said, as she cut off

Hunters of rich men telesvaha warned: as soon as a man realizes that a girl is completely dependent on his money, he will immediately begin to feel like her “master”. As a rule, after a while he ceases to be considered in it as a person. As a result, the marriage is being destroyed.

The only way out, Sabitova believes, is for the woman herself to stand firmly on her feet.

“If you become independent and independent, then they may stop loving you, but they will not stop respecting you,” the TV presenter summed up.

In the spring of this year, the program “Let’s get Married” stopped airing on Channel One. Fans of the program constantly ask the hosts of the show when they will return to the air. And if Larisa Guzeeva does not comment on the situation in any way, then Rosa Sabitova decided to tell about the future of the project. In the Telegram channel, the matchmaker expressed the hope that she would celebrate the 20th anniversary of the program together with the audience.