Migration expert Kraus warns: “We are facing a historic winter of displacement”

The migration researcher Gerald Knaus is considered a co-creator of the refugee deal with Turkey in 2015. Now he warns of “a historic winter of refugees”. The extent depends primarily on the situation in Ukraine. Knaus says: “The EU is not prepared for this.”

Migration expert Gerald Knaus warns of “a historic winter of displacement if the situation in Ukraine continues to deteriorate and the supply of heat and electricity does not work in winter because the Russian war of aggression destroys power plants or uses weapons of mass destruction”. The co-founder of the think tank European Stability Initiative (ESI) continued to tell the newspapers of the Funke media group: “The EU would not be prepared for that now.”

The Ukraine refugees are still very unequally distributed: “Countries like the Czech Republic and Poland bear the brunt, countries like France have taken in a fraction of the war refugees,” said Funke, who worked out the refugee deal with Turkey in 2015.

As reported by “Welt”, the Union parliamentary group sees it similarly. Alexander Throm (CDU) tells the newspaper: “The federal government must above all ensure order and limit illegal immigration via the Balkan route and the German-Czech border. Because that’s where most of the illegal border crossings are at the moment.” The Minister of the Interior shines through inactivity here.”

In fact, according to a media report, the number of unauthorized entries to Germany has increased massively this year. From the beginning of the year up to and including September 28th, the Federal Police found around 56,800 people entering the country illegally, the “Rheinische Post” reported.

That would be an increase of more than 60 percent. Because last year, the federal government reported almost 35,000 unauthorized entries as of September 30, citing figures from the federal police. Before the corona pandemic, there were a good 40,600 at the German borders throughout 2019.

The newspaper quoted a spokesman for the federal police as saying: “The focus is currently on the German-Czech border with more than 11,827 registered unauthorized entries in 2022 (as of September 28), of which more than in August and September 2022 alone 6,500.” The spokesman also stated: “After the migration pressure from Belarus had initially decreased at the end of 2021, the federal police have recorded an increase again to a mid-three-digit monthly value since April 2022.”