Young Muscovites are invited to test their knowledge of the capital’s museums

Moscow schoolchildren of grades 5-11 and college students are invited to test their knowledge about the capital’s museums in the framework of the case championship “Walking in Moscow”. The competition is held for the first time. The students will also be able to offer their ideas to the capital’s cultural institutions and get acquainted with professions related to the tourism industry.

The case championship consists of three stages. At the first stage, participants in the online mode will need to pass a quiz of 25 questions of different difficulty levels. During the second stage, schoolchildren and students will present original ideas for solving the proposed cases to museums. They will be able to develop an unusual concept of an audio guide or a quest through museum locations, create a virtual exhibition, come up with a walking route or write a report for a newspaper.

The guys who will get the most points for solving cases will go to the third round. They will need to show their creative abilities in creating video cards dedicated to the capital’s museums, estates, parks, exhibitions, collections or just favorite places in the city. One of the main conditions is that in a video lasting no more than five minutes, the participant must be present in the frame.

The works of the contestants will be evaluated by specialists of the leading metropolitan museums, representatives of scientific and public organizations of the city, experts of the tourism industry. The winners and prize-winners of the case championship will be young Muscovites who will score the most points at all three stages.

The purpose of the case championship is to draw students’ attention to the historical and cultural heritage of the capital. The competition is organized by the City Methodological Center of the Moscow Department of Education and Science with the support of the Association of Guides, Interpreters, guides and tour Managers. Among the partners of the case-championship are historical, natural-scientific, theatrical, literary, corporate museums, museums-reserves, as well as museums of science and technology.