Russia blames Ukraine for the murder of Darya Dugina. Now Russia expert Gerhard Mangott brings another perspective into play in the murder case: In his opinion, the Russian domestic secret service FSB could be behind it. Mangott explained in a “Welt” interview that Putin could benefit massively from this.

The professor believes that the assassination attempt on the right-wing nationalist Putin could create the space to “further tighten his repressive authoritarian control in his own country”.

The political scientist goes on to say that there is an advantage for the Russian president: If it was actually Russian authorities that were responsible for the murder, then “it would be an opportunity for Putin not only to intensify the warfare in Ukraine, in the sense of revenge for this murder, but also to establish an even stricter control regime at home.”


This is how Putin could argue to his own people: “We must prevent the enemy, in this case Ukraine, from killing our leaders and luminaries on our territory,” Mangott said.

The Russia expert also says that the FSB has always found “bizarre theories” and “explanations for murders at home and abroad”. These would suggest that the FSB itself could be behind the murder of Darja Dugina.

The background to the assassination attempt on the Russian war supporter Darja Dugina is still unclear. The US government recently announced that it had no precise information about the background to the attack.

“We don’t really know who was behind this and what the motive might have been,” National Security Council communications director John Kirby told CNN. There was no direct communication with the Ukrainian government accused by Russia. But Kyiv was “very transparent” when it denied any involvement.

Who detonated the bomb under Russian nationalist Dugina’s car? The versions are still not very credible. But President Putin honors the dead young woman with a medal. And Ukrainian soldiers report torture during Russian captivity. what happened in the night

Gas will become even more expensive. The reason is probably the interruption of Russian deliveries to Europe through the Nord Stream 1 pipeline. Even after that, only a reduced amount should flow.

After the death of the Russian war supporter Darja Dugina, a confession video has appeared. In it, ex-Duma deputy Ilya Ponomarev claims that the “National Republican Army” carried out the attack. Experts doubt his statements.