There are currently a number of apps for Android smartphones that are infected. In total, these were downloaded almost 10 million times. You should therefore delete them as soon as possible and take a close look before downloading them in the future.

Doctor Web security researchers have found almost 30 adware Trojans in Android apps. The malware exploits Android’s “Show above other apps” feature or power saving mode whitelist to display ads constantly. This is not so dramatic in itself, but the advertising offers shown can also become dangerous.

The malware is particularly insidious: In order not to be recognized, the Trojans hide the icon of the affected app or replace it with a more inconspicuous one instead. For example, a malicious app like Photo

Although almost all affected apps have been removed from the Google Play Store, anyone who has previously downloaded them to their smartphone should delete the apps immediately – because they won’t disappear from your phone by themselves! These are the following applications:

This case shows once again that caution is required before installing apps. Otherwise it may already be too late. It certainly won’t be the last time scammers upload malicious apps to the Play Store – the number of potential victims is just too tempting for that.

Therefore, check the provider if you are interested in an app. If this is rather unknown and the app is one of dozens of clones that do the same thing, skepticism is required.