The Ukraine update on July 27: Gazprom suddenly wants to deliver more gas – but the expert “wouldn’t count on it”

The Russian energy company Gazprom is reducing deliveries through the most important supply line for Germany to 20 percent this Wednesday. The reason given by the state-owned company is that an important turbine has not yet been repaired and another one now has to be serviced. Politicians in Europe speak of a pretext.

According to a report by Der Spiegel, Gazprom has meanwhile reserved a significantly higher supply through another pipeline. According to this, 69 million cubic meters are to flow through Slovakia on Wednesday through the Eustream pipeline – and from there to Germany, among others. Normally it’s only 37 million a day. “If this actually happens, Gazprom will in principle deliver almost the same quantities that will be missing on Nord Stream due to the new cut,” explained Andreas Schröder, gas strategist at the London analysis house ICIS, the “Spiegel”.

So far it’s just an announcement. Whether the gas will actually flow will be seen in the course of the day. Schröder to “Spiegel”: “I wouldn’t bet on it yet. Gazprom should have rerouted long ago. It would be a change of strategy if they did it now.”

“His announcements about military support for Ukraine do not stand up to scrutiny,” said the CDU chairman and Union faction leader. The Union has therefore lost “all confidence” in the commitments of the federal government. “We have to have a public debate about how trustworthy our government is in our own country, but also and especially in Central and Eastern Europe.”

Meanwhile, the energy supply for Ukraine itself will become increasingly problematic in the coming winter. In the eastern Ukrainian region of Donetsk, the Russian troops say they have taken control of the largest coal-fired power plant in Ukraine near Svitlodarsk. On Tuesday, Donetsk separatist media reported the capture. Pictures should prove the presence of Russian mercenaries of the so-called Wagner group in front of the administration building. According to other reports, however, the fighting around the power plant site, which had been going on since the end of May, continued. The information cannot be verified independently.

The control center for grain exports from Ukraine is to start operations in Istanbul, Turkey. The center is part of an agreement brokered by the United Nations and Turkey on Friday to lift the blockade of Ukrainian ports. In the agreement, Russia had pledged, for example, to let ships sail along a sea corridor and not to attack them or the ports involved.

Before Vladimir Putin went into politics and became Russian President, he had already worked for the KGB for many years. A German publicist and expert on the Russian secret service shows how this time shaped him.

According to information from Kyiv, more than 1,000 Russian soldiers have been surrounded by Ukrainian forces in the occupied southern Ukrainian region of Cherson. Russia, on the other hand, reports the downing of four Himars systems, which Ukraine contradicts. Two US citizens die in Donbass. All news about the war in Ukraine can be found in the ticker.

Moscow has justified its attack on the Ukrainian port city of Odessa. Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov speaks of a planned “regime change” in Ukraine. Kyiv announces progress in the struggle for the occupied Kherson region. An overview of the developments during the night and an outlook for the day.