“Lion’s Cave” star: Entrepreneur Frank Thelen “would like to try magic mushrooms”

Various celebrities were asked by BUNTE magazine how they feel about the legalization of cannabis. Including investor Frank Thelen, who spoke in favor of it. By the way, he revealed another surprising detail.

The federal government has planned a law for the legalization of cannabis for the second half of the year. BUNTE magazine asked celebrities: Have you ever smoked a joint?

Here are the answers: “No, but I’ve eaten these cookies before,” says investor and “Lion’s Den” star Frank Thelen. “Unfortunately, it wasn’t that exciting and didn’t give me anything. But I would like to legalize it in Germany. And I’d like to try magic mushrooms, they’re supposed to be good.”

Presenter Nina Moghaddam says: “In fact, I smoked a joint with my parents. My father asked me if I would like to try it – I did. I laughed for five minutes afterwards and fell asleep. After that, I never felt the need for drugs.”

And cosmetic surgeon Prof. Werner Mang remembers: “1968, medical studies in Munich. A wild, exhilarating time. This included marijuana and hashish. As an athlete, I didn’t think much of it. But one night Abi Ofarim had rolled a joint the size of a lucky bag at the Tilbury nightclub. I couldn’t help myself and inhaled the smoke fully. I got sick, I was apathetic for days. Was my first and last joint.”

You can read the whole story in BUNTE 29/2022, available at newsstands from Thursday (14 July).

Attitudes towards work also change over the generations. Much to the chagrin of Europapark boss Mack, who is currently desperately looking for workers for his amusement park. He cannot understand the work ethic of the younger generation, which is geared towards balance and little stress.

Will Vladimir Putin have a new title soon? A Russian party proposes to stop calling Putin “president”. The criticism: the title is too western. Instead, the term “Pravitel” should be used.

In view of the gas crisis, the German Association of Cities recommended forward-looking measures. Cities and municipalities should think about heat halls and heat islands for the winter. In Rhineland-Palatinate, for example, this is already being done.

The original of this article “Entrepreneur Frank Thelen “would like to try magic mushrooms”” comes from Bunte.de.