RTL has just surprisingly announced the return of the pop titan to “Deutschland sucht den Superstar”. In the RTL interview with Frauke Ludowig, Dieter Bohlen speaks openly about the decision. He is also self-critical and emphasizes that his decision has nothing to do with money.

It’s the TV hit of the year: RTL brings “Deutschland sucht den Superstar” veteran Dieter Bohlen back to the casting show. Namely for the 20th anniversary season, which should also be the last – one last big hurrah. The DSDS image change with Florian Silbereisen did not work. Viewers want the hard-core ratings of the pop titan who never minced his words. But how will Bohlen behave behind the jury panel after being kicked out in the last DSDS season? He spoke to Frauke Ludowig about his comeback and reassured his fans, who might be worried that Bohlen would be reluctant to criticize, but he was also self-critical.

When asked by Ludowig whether he would now be “tamer”, Bohlen was clear: “I sometimes talked sh ***, I honestly admit that”. Sometimes he wasn’t even aware of how hard he sometimes came across. Fans who are now afraid that the music producer could soften have no reason to worry: “I will bend zero,” emphasizes Bohlen and also admits that he may have taken the show a little too seriously in the past 18 years. “Then you get so dogged,” he says. “I don’t want to be so harsh.” Apparently, Bohlen has taken the changing times to heart. “Maybe I need to loosen up a bit,” he admits. It remains to be seen whether he can really resist one or the other nasty saying.

According to Bohlen, it is also a fact that he did not take the job because of the money. “There are people who would have paid more,” he says. His decision to comeback was a “pure heart decision”, “an emotional decision”. You can clearly see that the pop titan is really looking forward to his DSDS comeback and the anniversary season in 2023. On Instagram he also announces his joy at the return to “Deutschland sucht den Superstar” and posts thank you videos to his fans. They can’t wait any longer for Dieter to sit behind the jury panel again. It will certainly be “awesome”, as Bohlen himself would say.

Bohlen talks about returning to his DSDS “family” and reveals how it hurt him not to be part of the last season. “I never saw a second,” he admits. But the break was good too. “Everyone knows that when you’ve been married for 20 years, there are situations where you have different opinions. But then you don’t need to get a divorce right away, you kind of go on a long vacation”. It’s over for the pop titan now, for him it’s back to the chair behind the jury desk, on which the blue and white logo is emblazoned.

After 20 years, “DSDS” will be discontinued. RTL buried the casting show with Dieter Bohlen as chief juror, who was brought back behind the jury desk for the anniversary season. So “Flori” has to make room for the pop titan – and he should be happy about it.

Dieter Bohlen thanked his fans on Instagram who had wanted his return to “Deutschland sucht den Superstar”. In addition, the pop titan promises: “Now we give fire.”

Dieter Bohlen returns to the “DSDS” jury for the final season. This is no surprise for Luca Hänni, the 2012 winner. “I suspected it,” explains the singer in an interview.

The original of this post “Dieter Bohlen admits after the “DSDS” comeback: “Sometimes I talked sh ***”” comes from Bunte.de.