“Expected escalation”: “Fun days” with 250 people: After Sylt, Bonn is now trembling with a crowd of punks

Business people at Kaiserplatz in Bonn “still have bad memories” of last year. A meeting of the German punk scene took place right in front of their doors for four days. The scene has announced itself again for this weekend. In a letter to politicians and the police, the dealers are now demanding decisive action.

Punks on the posh island of Sylt – that made headlines. But other German cities have been dealing with such groups and their consequences for a long time. For example, the Kaiserplatz in Bonn, a regular meeting place for the German punk scene for their so-called “fun days”. Most recently, after a two-year pandemic break, in 2021.

“It has already escalated relatively,” recalls the owner of the Hofgarten pharmacy in an interview with FOCUS Online. Together with nine other local dealers, she wrote a letter to the mayor of Bonn, Katja Dörner, the city council, the Bonn police and the public order office. “At the meeting of the German punk scene, passers-by were harassed on a large scale over three days and the shops even had to close early,” it says. “And now the police and regulatory office are announcing, ‘in the sense of a de-escalation strategy’, that they will let the chaotic people do their thing,” they criticize. “Unacceptable” to them.

The pharmacist specifies: “It looked bad afterwards, property damage, extremely dirty and dirty.” Most punks had already arrived on Friday, the last ones only drove on Monday. “It was four days of emergency on the outskirts of Bonn city.” Other business people report that “everything was spilled” and the law enforcement officers then “had to clean everything for three days”.

According to the “Bonner Generalanzeiger”, a little more than 100 punks gathered on the square at that time. Up to 250 of them are expected this weekend. In their letter, the business people therefore demand: “Security forces who are present around the clock” in order to “prevent an expected escalation”.

The letter seems to be having an effect. “We are prepared,” say the police and the city when asked. A patrol from the police and public order office is on site. Extra toilets and garbage cans have also been set up, and the city cleaning department will clean up on Saturdays and Sundays.

The owner of the Hofgarten pharmacy is also confident. “There were intensive discussions with the retail association, the regulatory office and the police. We have been assured that this will go well.”

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