Energy too expensive: Numerous swimming pools have to close shortly before the summer holidays

Just before the summer holidays, some swimming pools in Germany have to close. The reason: the energy crisis. The operators of the pools can no longer cover their costs. The air is also becoming increasingly thin for wellness hotels.

Numerous swimming pools in Germany have to close just before the summer holidays because of the energy crisis. That’s according to research from Business Insider. The reason: the municipal operators can no longer pay the energy costs. The approximately 600 wellness hotels in Germany also see their business model increasingly threatened.

In Baden-Württemberg alone, the local authorities estimate that 45 swimming pools are threatened with closure due to the cost increases resulting from the gas and oil price crisis. There are about 197 indoor swimming pools in total in the southwest. For many children, this means that they can hardly learn to swim in the south, because the teachers from the water rescue service and the German Life Saving Society need space in the pools. The member of parliament Gernot Gruber (SPD) says: “It is our duty to ensure that our children and young people can swim. The basis for this are open indoor and outdoor pools for swimming lessons in schools and clubs. Many municipalities simply lack the money to ensure proper operation.”

The more than 600 wellness hotels in Germany also need a lot of energy to operate saunas, outdoor swimming pools and whirlpools. Michael Altewischer is the managing director of the wellness hotels

However: “The hoteliers now have to pass on the increased energy costs to their customers and make price adjustments accordingly,” says Altewischer. Nevertheless, the depressed consumer mood is not yet having an impact on the wellness hotel industry, the houses are doing “reasonably well”. Attempts are being made to exhaust every savings potential and “optimize operational processes”.

More on the subject:

The city of Nuremberg has announced a drastic step because of the worsening gas supply situation. Starting next week, several bathrooms are to be completely closed. The measure will be implemented until the end of September.

In an interview, Bavaria’s Prime Minister and CSU leader Markus Söder reiterated his concerns that Germany could plunge into chaos if gas stopped flowing. In his view, the federal government alone is responsible for a possible blackout.