The new quiz of the Active Citizen project is dedicated to walking around Moscow

A new “Big Quiz” has started in the project “Active Citizen”. This time it is dedicated to walking routes and tourist services of the city. Its participants can get up to 60 points.

“Active citizens” will answer eight questions, including remembering excursions that can be listened to in the Moscow Metro app, and the theme of the Days of Historical and Cultural Heritage in 2022.

The questions for the new series of the quiz were compiled together with specialists from the capital’s Tourism Committee, departments of Transport and development of road transport infrastructure, cultural heritage, entrepreneurship and innovative development.

The quiz “Walking in Moscow” will run until July 10 inclusive. 20 points will be awarded for participation in it. Another five points will be given for each correct answer.

Users can exchange accumulated points for prizes and gifts. Among the possible rewards are promo codes for discounts in grocery chains, stores with household goods, clothing and shoes. Due to the points, you can also replenish the Troika transport card, rent a scooter or get useful souvenirs with the symbols of the Active Citizen project. Points can also be transferred to charity.

Issues of the “Big Quiz” appear in the project “Active Citizen” twice a month. Almost 130 thousand users took part in the first quiz, which was dedicated to the Moscow metro. More than 133 thousand people answered the questions of the second quiz of the Library of Moscow. More than 125 thousand users took part in the quiz about the gastronomic symbols of the capital “Delicious Moscow”.

The Active Citizen project has been operating since 2014. Over eight years, more than six million people have joined it. It is they who decide which streets, courtyards and parks need to be landscaped, how city polyclinics, libraries, multifunctional centers should work, and also choose events for festivals and holidays. Since the beginning of the project, users have participated in more than five thousand votes. Right now, in the project, you can tell about your experience using the Electronic House platform and choose the most interesting object of the program dedicated to the 350th anniversary of the birth of Peter I.

The decisions supported by the majority of votes are implemented in the city. What exactly has changed in Moscow thanks to “active citizens” can be seen on the online map. And to evaluate the changes — in the heading “Pulse of the capital”. 

The accumulated points can optionally be sent to charity on the platform.

The project “Active Citizen” is being developed by the Department of Information Technologies of the city of Moscow and the state government institution “New Management Technologies”.