Lack of staff as a result: Thousands are quitting the job: “Big Quit” is now becoming “The Great Upgrade” in the USA

“The Big Quit” – over 4 million Americans resign each month. Economic experts attribute the mass layoffs in the USA, which have been going on for a year, to various causes: changed lifestyle priorities caused by the pandemic, burnout – and more savings in the bank thanks to generous corona aid payments from the US government

The development in the US media is also called “The Great Resignation” – a trend that is now even the subject of Beyonce’s current single “Break My Soul”. Even the musician’s latest song is about job terminations and burnout. Americans share their personal termination experiences in forums and on social media – users share their so-called “quit toks” on TikTok. In the media, experts give tips on writing written notices to employers – there is a great deal of interest in the “art of writing the perfect letter of termination”.

In Germany, too, many German companies are complaining about acute shortages of personnel and manpower. “The feeling that we’re missing people everywhere is definitely there,” economist Peter Bofinger told FOCUS Online. “If you take a closer look at the statistics, it becomes clear that in Germany it is primarily a catering problem.”

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In the USA, wages have been increased in some cases – which is why the “Great Quit” is also often referred to as the “Great Upgrade”. The age of workers has dawned, they say. “We have a market for workers. People want better working conditions. They demand higher wages,” said Jen Psaki last year, then spokeswoman for US President Joe Biden – before handing in her resignation to the White House and moving to the news channel MSNBC. Despite the pronounced optimism of many Americans: In view of the current job market, prominent financial expert Suze Orman warned against ill-considered actions on the TV channel CNBCBefore. According to the best-selling author, layoffs are currently such a trend that many Americans would quit their jobs in a hurry.

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Only those who have put enough money aside can afford to be unemployed for a longer period of time, she warned: “It’s really important to calculate and think about it carefully beforehand.” For decades, Orman has been encouraging her compatriots to save up for eight to twelve months. “Only if you can continue to pay all costs do you have the freedom to think about what you want to do with your life.” But most Americans are a long way from these goals. According to new analyzes by the financial portal Bankrate, only 27 percent of the US population currently has enough savings to survive six months or more without an income. According to the survey, around 25 percent of all Americans have no savings at all.

Furthermore, one in three respondents admitted to feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, lonely, stressed and depressed. Only half of all those surveyed stated that they also use their vacation days, take sufficient breaks from work and have enough time for friends, family and to sleep. “In the new reality, quality of life is now a top priority,” the report concludes. Only employers who are aware of this can keep their staff in the future. So maybe German catering staff will soon be able to breathe a sigh of relief. In any case, Bofinger is certain: “You definitely have to offer the workers better working hours.”

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