Big salary check: With an annual salary of 362,000 euros, Scholz is at the top of Europe

More than 30,000 euros a month: Chancellor Olaf Scholz earns a dream salary thanks to a wage increase. This puts Scholz at the top in a European comparison. But other heads of state and government also cash in princely. The overview shows how much the state leaders earn in comparison.

From July 1st, the members of the German Bundestag will receive more money. The reason: The diets have been based on the nominal wage index since 2014 – and according to the Federal Statistical Office, this rose by 3.1 percent in 2021. The MPs get 10,323.29 euros, an increase of 310.40 euros, as the Bundestag reports on its website.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz also benefits. Thanks to the Bundestag mandate and Chancellor’s salary, the SPD politician breaks the salary limit of 30,000 euros for the first time with 30,189.81 euros. That makes an annual salary of over 362,000 euros. In an international comparison, Scholz is in an extremely good position.

FOCUS Online reveals how much the most important state leaders in the world earn per year:

Although the details of Putin’s salary come from the Kremlin, Russia does not provide payrolls, as is customary in Western countries.

After all, Ursula von der Leyen can almost compete with her compatriot Scholz as EU Commission President: According to EU guidelines, she receives around 335,000 euros a year.

Only EU Council President Charles Michel earns even better in Brussels with 32,700 euros a month, i.e. more than 392,000 euros a year.

In addition, some of the politicians have further private income and property ownership. The wealth in detail may therefore be higher.

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China’s head of state Xi Jinping is the most modest: the autocrat is paid 19,610 euros per year, just under 1,600 euros per month.

Not far away, namely in Singapore, you will also find the top of the salary bracket: Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong becomes a multi-millionaire every year as a result of his office. Loong is said to collect 2.1 million euros every year – and the politician has been in office since 2004.

But in other monarchies, Loong’s salary would still be considered economical: the king of Saudi Arabia is said to receive more than two billion euros every year. Queen Elizabeth II also receives a royal salary of almost 102 million euros annually.