Eco is worth it!: Prices in the supermarket are rising – why it’s often worth buying organic products

The prices for groceries at Aldi, Lidl, Rewe and other supermarkets are increasing every week. In the meantime, own brands from Aldi Süd, Aldi Nord, Lidl, Rewe, Edeka and other stores are sometimes more expensive than the organic alternatives. FOCUS Online gives examples and says why it is sometimes worth grabbing organic products.

The prices of many groceries have continued to rise this week. Spreads, toast, yoghurt, wholemeal bread, but also meat products such as chops, minute steaks and cold cuts have become more expensive. This shows the weekly price radar from FOCUS Online.

For example, the toast rolls from Goldöhren at Aldi Nord and Aldi Süd rose by 15 cents, butter toast at Lidl and Edeka climbed by five cents and semolina pudding from Landliebe no longer costs 1.49 euros at Rewe, but 1.99 euros.

As the “Lebensmittel Zeitung” reports and the price radar from FOCUS Online confirms, the prices for organic products are also increasing. Compared to private labels such as “Ja”, “K-Classic”, “Milbona” ​​or “Milfina”, however, the price adjustments for organic brands in discounters and supermarkets are lower.

The reason for this is that organic farmers have to reckon with higher prices for logistics and delivery, but the more expensive artificial fertilizer products are saved because they are not used.

As a result, organic items are often cheaper than the trade brands from Aldi Süd, Aldi Nord, Rewe, Lidl, Netto Marken-Discount or Edeka.

case studies:

Skyr from Aldi’s own brand “Milsani” costs 1.69 euros. If customers reach for the Aldi brand “Gut Bio”, the cup costs 1.49 euros.

Quark (250 grams) from Rewe’s own brand “Ja” costs 1.09 euros. The quark from “Rewe Bio” again 99 cents.

The fruit yoghurt from “Gutes Land” costs 35 cents at Netto Marken-Discount. The alternative from the “BioBio” private label costs just as much.

The whipped cream at Lidl is at a similarly high level. While the product from Lidl’s own brand “Milbona” ​​costs 99 cents, the organic whipped cream is available for 1.09 euros. That’s just ten cents difference in price.

The savings potential is greater if you choose organic goods instead of branded products.

Kerrygold butter (250 grams) is available from Rewe for 3.49 euros. The “Rewe Bio” butter in turn for 2.99 euros. Makes a price difference of 50 cents.

“Leerdamer” original sliced ​​cheese (160 grams) costs 2.19 euros at Aldi Nord, the butter cheese from “Gut Bio” in the 200 gram pack only 1.69 euros. Converted to 200 grams, that makes a saving of 1.04 euros.

Alpro oat milk costs 1.99 euros in the supermarket. The cheaper organic oat milk is available from Aldi Süd, Lidl and Rewe for 99 cents. This saved you a euro.

The rice pudding for self-cooking costs 1.79 euros from Oryza at Edeka (500 grams). Alnatura’s organic rice pudding, on the other hand, only costs 1.69 euros. The saving is ten cents.


In the past six weeks, there has been a strong organic price adjustment, especially for milk. This is the price radar from FOCUS Online.

Fresh and long-life organic whole milk went up in price by 64 cents! The liter no longer costs 1.05 euros, but a strong 1.69 euros.

Organic farmers see that the demand for their products is increasing rapidly. Many companies are not prepared for this. The range is smaller compared to conventional products. This could result in a brief bottleneck, which in turn drives up prices.

In fact, in the past three weeks, the prices for quark, pasta and biscuits for organic brands have increased by a few cents. In the case of private labels, however, prices in these categories have recently stagnated.

Supermarket prices are skyrocketing, but furniture, clothing, shoes and other consumer goods are also becoming more expensive. As a retail expert, I know the tricks of the trade and tell you how you can save money for you and your family every month when shopping. Would you like to talk to me about your savings tips and savings tricks? Did you notice anything while shopping? Then send an e-mail to with your name and telephone number

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