Stiftung Warentest tested mineral water in a laboratory. The result shows: instead of expensive brands, cheap products score points. Among the test winners is a cheap discounter water.

Drinking water is the number one staple food. According to the German Society for Nutrition, the recommended daily requirement for water for a person between the ages of 25 and 50 is 1.41 liters a day. However, not all water is as healthy as one would like to believe. In their tests, experts such as Stiftung Warentest repeatedly find above-ground contamination. According to the Mineral and Table Water Ordinance (MTVO), natural mineral water may only come from underground water sources that are protected from contamination. So if above-ground contamination with pesticides, for example, is detected in the water, the designation “natural mineral water” is questionable.

With many products on the shelf, you don’t have to worry about this. This also applies to the two test winners in the mineral water test (edition 8/2020): The Basinus Medium cuts off in the test together with the Aqua Culinaris Medium (now Quellenbrunn) from Aldi Süd as the only mineral water with a “very good” (grade 1.5). . In addition to the very good microbiological quality, the testers also praised the appearance, smell, taste and mouthfeel. In the critical ingredients subcategory, the cheap Aldi water with a rating of 1.0 performs significantly better than the branded water with a rating of 1.8.

In terms of price, Aldi water is also well ahead of branded water: a liter of Quellbrunn costs around 17 cents, for the Basinus Medium you pay around 0.33 cents per liter, which is almost twice as much.

In the following table we show you the test winners in direct comparison:

The experts from Stiftung Warentest have also tested the other types of water in the past. From still to classic, everything is represented here. ÖKO-TEST also regularly devotes its in-house tests to the staple food.

Like discounters and well-known brands like Adelholzener, Volvic

Mineral water tests at Stiftung Warentest and ÖKO-TEST: The results at a glance

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