No matter how eloquently you formulate untruths, they remain untrue. Minister of Justice Marco Buschmann recently showed such an appearance in the TV talk at Maischberger. The FDP man embellished the viewers with statements about the tank discount. A bold performance.
Politicians are a brand in themselves. Did you see the TV show “Maischberger” yesterday with FDP Minister of Justice Marco Buschmann? The good man insists that the fuel discount has been passed on to the citizens. That’s what the ifo Institute said. Then it must be true. And he’s so convinced of it that he tweeted it too.
Ms. Maischberger, that’s how almost every second sentence began, you have to recognize that we do something for the people. And the tank discount is such an instrument that works. Says that ifo, he emphasized again and again. Aha.
The problem is: The tank discount doesn’t work the way it should. And for several reasons:
I think the Minister of Justice’s actions are bold, he really wants to take us for fools. I appreciate him as a clever head. But trying to make us believe that the traffic light acts to relieve us citizens and that the tank discount is playing its part, I can only shake my head.
The inflation rate in Germany is higher than it has been for 40 years. FOCUS Online therefore asks: your everyday life consists only of savings? You really have to spend every penny and are constantly looking for ways to make a living cheaper? We want to tell your story. Please write to us at Please briefly describe your situation to us in an e-mail and also tell us when we could contact you by phone in the next few days. Thanks very much!
Of course, there are other reasons why prices remain so high. Crude oil is paid for in dollars, the euro is weakening, import inflation occurs, which means we have to pay the equivalent of more euros to buy a barrel of crude oil. This is also a consequence of the interest rate policy of the ECB.
But all in all, the tank discount is a rush job and at the same time a bad design. Even if Buschmann tries to represent it so eloquently and refers to the ifo Institute. That annoys me.
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