A consideration: beer via Amazon, 9-euro ticket, pool games: the bizarre Sylt visit of the punks

A large group of punks traveled to Sylt with the 9-euro ticket. On the Isle of the Rich, they have a good time while being fairly middle-class and remarkably adaptable.

Punks, aren’t they these weird characters with wild and colorful hairstyles, rings in their noses and studs on their jackets? They’re the ones who like to hang out in parks, listen to brutally loud music and get drunk. Who consciously want to be different, who despise nothing more than social rules or the adjusted mainstream.

The early idols of this movement, which emerged in the 1970s, can probably be described as the Sex Pistols or Billy Idol. What would they say if they knew what a large group of punks is doing on the North Sea island of Sylt? Dozens of colorful figures invaded there a few days ago and are turning the Pentecost weekend into a big happening. So far so unspectacular.

But a closer look reveals some details of this punk visit that, in the context of the movement’s above-mentioned ideals, seem… well, let’s call it remarkable.

First there is the destination: Sylt. Holiday island for the rich, place-to-be for those who are important or at least think they are. In trendy restaurants like Zanzibar, Moët

And so it’s surprising how many punks came up with the idea of ​​spending the Pentecost weekend on Sylt of all places. A train ticket from Berlin to Westerland also costs around 100 euros, and from Hamburg it still costs 30 euros – one way. Hard to imagine that someone in these circles would spend so much money on a trip to Sylt. But the state, which the punk movement – to put it mildly – sees rather critically, makes this trip possible. After all, the 9 euro ticket has been available since June 1st. And so the expensive island trip becomes a bargain. The punks take advantage of that.

And they are obviously not above themselves to fall back on another achievement (if one can call it an achievement) of bourgeois life. The parcel pick-up station, more precisely: the Amazon locker. There are now thousands of them all over Germany. One of them is conveniently located at the Westerland train station, around 500 meters as the crow flies from the beach. On request, the US group can deliver any product that the customer has previously purchased online. This includes alcohol.

The clever non-conformists know this, adapted quickly and had their rations delivered to Westerland by the epitome of modern convenience. Stupid is who drags it himself. The idea, reported by a Spiegel reporter, is also enthusiastically commented on by users on Twitter. “Ok, which one of you legends was that?” and “I’m really celebrating.” Or: “Punks go to Sylt with €9 tickets to party and send their beer to Amazon-Locker beforehand so they don’t carry anything around have to – that’s how you hack capitalism.”

By the way: Parents who go on a beach holiday these days have to find an inflatable animal for their children. For example a unicorn. Yes, exactly the kind that the Sylt punks used to have fun in a fountain. Great fun and so … just normal.